Wednesday 27 April 2011

A whirlwind of activity

Since we arrived 2 weeks ago (or is it 3? My brain is definitely mush) we have literally not stopped. Obviously the reason we are in the UK is for IVF yet frankly an outsider would think we'd just come for a jolly. And a jolly good time we are having too. So far I have stayed with my sister in law, been to the Natural History Museum, visited my sister, brother in law and nephew at their new house and had a lovely family BBQ, stayed at my parents, Rufus (I've dispensed with anonimity as it's too time consuming coming up with psudenyms) started his pre-school and loved it, sister, brother in law and newphew (who has sent me absolutely ga ga with love) have stayed for a week, mother in law has also stayed for 5 days and husband has been here for 2 weeks. We have had simply the BEST time. My Mum has taken on role of Ward Sister and refuses to let me lift a finger which up until today has been a total sham as I have been feeling better than I had been in ages. The injections went brilliantly, I didn't have any side effects apart from the ususal weight gain (which a kindly nurse told me this morning was minimal and I had done very well which cheered me up immensly), oh and some cracking bruises on my stomach but these are covered anyway so who cares. No beard, no manly voice and no violent mood swings. All in all very civilised. I have found the scans fairly easy - lets face it no-one likes being probed with a phalic object (well I am sure many people do like being probed with phalic objects but just not in this situation) by a total stranger but the nurses have been nothing short of amazing and I really don't have any complaints.
Today was egg collection day and has been praying on my mind for this whole process since the dodgy AMH level results. BUT they got a good crop and have just called to say they have a nice number of mature eggs, so now its time to fertilize them (said in voice of country bumpkin as I can't say fertilze or combine harvester any other way). Next step is the biggy - will we find any that are chromosomally normal? It's a major worry and something that we are having to be a bit gung ho about, but luckily we should know by Friday if they are ok and so at least the wait is not too long - and I feel as though we have a chance which is postive. It's nice, I have little phone calls from my embryologist telling me how my eggs are doing which makes me feel very connected. I saw 2 chicks hatch at a farm park this week which stirred all kinds of new life feelings - it was quite magical and I felt and do feel very optimistic for our future. Mind you - egg collection is not quite like the Easter Bunny style of egg collection - it was incredibly painful and I am feeling absolutely shattered now so I am back off to bed for a rest and a catch up with the Archers.