Tuesday 22 February 2011

The calm after the storm

It's been a funny couple of weeks. Funny ha ha  and funny strange. After a flurry of activity and emotions, all of a sudden everything calmed down and life became normal again and with it I experienced the funny strange emotions. They are all centred around my son. I am no different from any other Mother in my total obsession with him. I love him so much that it the phrase 'it hurts' rings true, it really DOES hurt. A strange thing really that something so good would hurt but there you go. Anyway, our son is the best thing that has happened to my husband and I and we feel blessed to have him (gosh that sounds so American). He has however spent the past 2 weeks testing our love, his behaviour so bad that a non relative would definitely have put him up for adoption, but we grit our teeth, consult Super Nanny and live to see another day. The 'bad' behaviour has been a sleep issue. He's nearly 3, in a big boys bed and potty trained at night. I think these are pretty amazing landmarks for a toddler and I am immensely proud of him. The night time toilet training he did himself, we had 3 wet beds and he has been dry for nearly a month now. The staying in the big boys bed, well thats a different matter. We have had 2 weeks of what I can only call torture. He puts a new born baby in the shade with his nocturnal activities. One evening I had to put him back to bed 21 times in the space on an hour and a half, I rather lost the will to live. Little did I know that the next hour and a half would see me repeat the action a further 20 times, and I would be up a grand total of 15 times during the night. Unlike a new born who cries, you feed them, they may cry some more but you know that at some point they will go to sleep and if they don't you can be hard as nails and turn the monitor off, this one talks back. Ours talks back in Charlie and Lola (brilliant children's TV show, not so brilliant at 3am) talk, which goes something like, 'I will not ever ever completely not actually go to sleep. Ever.' (foot stamp).  I can honestly say the sleep depravation and frustration took me to new lows and I wondered if we were doing the right thing by trying for another baby? I truly felt as though I was getting the whole mothering thing so dreadfully wrong that to it would be utter madness to go through it again. The long nights reminded me so much of the early months when our little boy was a baby, where I could go for 3 nights with 90 minutes sleep (he had horrendous reflux) and I really did nearly combust. I crashed the car instead which was the slightly more dramatic result of the situation, but apparently I didn't do enough damage to get any serious sympathy. Irritating. I will know for next time that a bent bumper doesn't cut the mustard. Anyway, I have been having little niggling doubts about IVF. Our life has become (pre night time wake ups which we hope are a teeny blip) very very easy. Our son was a dream on the sleep front, sleeping for up to 14 hours some nights (to the envy of my friends but they do concede that having had 15 months of shocking sleep when he arrived, we were due a break!), he is great fun to have around, holidays are relaxing and so much more enjoyable now that he is able to join in on the fun stuff. I suppose what has happened is we have become selfish and we are enjoying where we are now. We are happiest when it's the 3 of us on adventures, cooking, having dinners, playing, being a family and I would be lying if the thought didn't creep into my mind that perhaps this was fate gently suggesting we leave things as they are. Don't upset the apple cart. With the recent challenging behaviour, I have honestly questioned my ability to be a mother to another child. I know that all Mum's have times where they doubt their skills, so I don't think I am unusual in that respect but I suppose it's weird to hear it from someone who is trying everything under the sun to have another baby, but there are times when I am just not sure I am cut out for this. I have never really been very confident in my child rearing - I openly admit that I made a total hash of our son's first few months with my constant desire to be a Gina Ford Mum which backfired horribly. So why on earth do I think it's a good idea to do it again? But this shouldn't be misconstrued as me not wanting a baby, on the contrary, as Lola would say, I really actually desperately ever ever do want a baby, I am just rather scared the baby might not want me!
I think what is happening is that we are getting closer to D-Day as it were, and the nerves are kicking in.  I would give anything to have a newborn baby and cuddle him or her to sleep, to experience that wonderful time again, sleep depravation and all, I'm just beginning to get the terrors that it won't work and so naturally I am going into survival mode which is allowing myself to think that a future just the 3 of us is good and could be sensible. But as we know, I am not great at sensible, and when I have had the terror moments I do tend to feel the teeny bubble of excitement well up again at the thought of another little person in our house. I suppose for us its like being first time parents again, and all the doubts are those that normal parents have only we have a bit more insight into what's coming. I wake up from horrible dreams where I have had to call my husband in Hong Kong and tell him it didn't work, his disappointment really really being too much for me to take. I have little flashes where it's worked and I am pregnant and that is the news I am telling him - its all a bit of a muddle right now to be honest. Fundamentally I AM excited, and I did feel great excitement yesterday when leaving the doctors having done the last round of blood tests, a quick swab test (horrible) and will be having a hysteroscopy on Thursday to make sure that everything is ok internally. Honestly, I can't wait, I will be under General Anaesthetic for an hour which will be the best sleep I have had in weeks! It's all coming together and finally it IS happening. Hopefully in a month I will be starting hormone therapy and perhaps then, when the wheels are in  motion I will truly be able to allow myself to indulge in some serious baby hopes.
The funny ha ha by the way was my friend being told by her OB that 'breastfeeding is for poor people in Calcutta.' It's made me smile all week....